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Our Spiritual Bath Salt Blends are formulated in-house with select herbs and spiritual oils. We have six options. If you would like your bath mixed, please add it to the notes section.


Healing: This bath can be used during a healing process to ease some of the grief and discomfort that comes from the healing process.


Spirit: This bath is used to increase your connection to spirit realm and will help develop your third eye.


Protection: The protection bath is used to cleanse negative energy and provide protection against negative influences. 


Prosperity: The prosperity bath is formulated to align your energy with the frequency of abundance and attract financial blessings into your life.


Purification: The purification bath is formulated with a special blend of herbs and spiritual oils to remove negative energy and promote a sense of inner peace and clarity. This bath can be used release any negative thoughts or emotions that may be weighing you down, and to purify your energy. 


Love: This spiritual bath can be used to bring in love and positive energy. The Love bath will allow you to release any negative emotions, connect with your true self, and cultivate self-love. During this bath, allow yourself to feel the warmth and comfort of this energy. When you emerge from the bath, you may feel refreshed, renewed, and more connected to your inner self and the world around you.


All Purpose: This is a blend of all bath salts. 


Custom Blend: If you would like a custom blend, please include which salts you would like mixed in the notes section.


How to take a spiritual bath: Simply add the bath salts to your bath water and soak for at least 15-20 minutes while you focus on the intention of the bath you're taking. 



Spiritual Bath

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